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首页 > 最新动态 > 设计行业最新动态 > 嘘,那些敏感的创意广告


以下10则创意广告,有的借用敏感性事件调侃,有的则直接暴露,虽然方法不尽相同,但相信某些人看到后肯定会非常非常不高兴。介于某些广告的敏感程度,故不做过多解释,观者自明。 济南设计

重磅推荐: 那些惊悚的创意广告:胆小者勿进!


Reporters without borders: The internet's "Black holes"

Reporters without borders,无国界记者组织,这个组织于1985年在巴黎建立,为非政府性质的组织机构(Non-Governmental Organization, NGO)。它的创建人之一和现秘书长为Robert Ménard。其宗旨为寻求和支持媒体的自由。



Advertising Agency: Fabrica 


Reporters Without Borders:  Cameron

文案:Censorship tells the wrong story  审查机构混淆视听




Reporters Without Borders:  Putin



Advertising Agency: Memac Ogilvy & Mather Dubai, UAE
Executive Creative Director: Steve Hough
Creative Director: Ramzi Moutran
Art Directors: Leonardo Borges, Rafael Rizuto
Copywriter: Sascha Kuntze
Photographer: Atp.



Amnesty International

Amnesty International ,国际特赦组。是一个人权监察的国际性非政府组织,主要由全世界的社会学教授组成,监察国际上违反人权的事件。现时在全世界已经有超过一百万名会员,国际特赦组织是全球最大的人权组织。该组织对死刑持坚决抵制态度。以下是xx年奥运会期间推广的平面稿,从文案中可看出该组织明确的立场和态度。

文案:Stop the world record of executions.
China holds the current world record of executions with executing 1,010 people of 1,591 confirmed executions worldwide.
Although the Beijing Olympic committee declared that hosting the Olympics will ‘help the development of human rights in China’.
Join the fight against death penalty.



Advertising Agency: DDB Budapest, Hungary
Creative Group Head: Lukasz Brzozowski
Art Directors: Jorge Rodriguez, Nacho Forner
Copywriters: Kanak Mehra, Gabor Ferenczy
Illustrators: Benjamin Toth, Dora Katona
Account: Magdolna Rekasi, Andre Musalf
Published: July 2008

Amnesty International: Breath

文案: The unofficial world record in holding your breath underwater
Probably belongs to a prisoner in an Iraqi or Afghan prison. The prisoners are exposed to the so called "enhanced interrogation techniques" by american soldiers. These techniques include "near death drowning experiences" where the head of the victim is held under water.
It's torture no matter what George Bush calls it.





Agency: BBDO, Copenhagen, Denmark
Creative Director: Carsten Schiott, Mads Ohrt
Copywriter: Jesper Hansen
Art Director: Olga Bastian, Jesper Isholm
Photographer: Martin Soeby
Typographer: Olga Bastian


Chopstix: Hitler

文案:Can't hate everything. Chopstix  你总不能憎恨所有的东西。



Chopstix: KKK

三K党(Ku Klux Klan,缩写为KKK),是美国历史上和现在的一个奉行白人至上主义的民间组织,也是美国种族主义的代表性组织。三K党是美国最悠久、最庞大的恐怖主义 组织。Ku-Klux二字来源于希腊文KuKloo,意为集会。Klan是种族。因三个字头都是K,故称三K党。又称白色联盟和无形帝国。 



Agency: Dentsu, Indonesia
ECD: Gandhi Suryoto
ACD: Agus Arbana
Sr. AD: Angki Sumanang
AD: Aji Bekti
CW: Billy Andrea
Illust.: Jermy
GD: Lomri
AE: Puri H. Kusumah

Unicef: Haïti School Project

联合国儿童基金会(United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, 简称UNICEF),原名联合国国际儿童紧急救助基金会,于1946年12月11日创建,其目的是满足战后欧洲与中国儿童的紧急需求。1950年起,它的工作扩展到满足全球所有发展中国家儿童和母亲的长期需求。1953年,UNICEF成为联合国系统的永久成员,隶属联合国系统,受联合国大会的委托,致力于实现全球各国儿童的生存、发展、受保护和参与的权利。



Advertising Agency: Ogilvy&Mather Paris, France
Creative Director: Chris Garbutt
Art Directors: Mathias Laurent, Gregoire Louzon
Copywriter: Pierre Clavaud
Photographer: Vincent Dixon
Additional credits: Mathieu Gamba, Reynolds Cantave for their help in Haïti.
Published: April 2010

CoBis: Twin towers

文案Some day your computer might become a target. 总有一天你的电脑可能成为目标。



Credits: Thomas Danthine (LG&F) - Denis Dubrulle (LG&F) - Loïc Vertommen - Marc Paeps

Courrier international newspaper: Moon landing

《 Courrier international》是一份专注于报道全球时事的周刊。 文案:Learn to anticipate。学会预测



Courrier international newspaper: Kennedy



Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, France
Creative Director: Cristophe Coffre
Art Director: Arnaud Van Den Abeele
Copywriter: Timothée Gaube
Published: September 2010

Jockey Lingerie No Panty Line: Pop Stars, Politics

文案:“No one need to know. Jockey No Panty Line.”没有必要让别人知道




Art Directors: Joono Simon, Nikhil Narayanan
Copywriter: Akhilesh Bagri
Illustrator: Adria Fruitos-Trubat 

Shivam Handloom Deep Sleep Mattresses: Obama

Mattresses床垫宣传广告。 文案:Puts even your worries to sleep. 现实中的麻烦会在梦里更美好一些。




Shivam Handloom Deep Sleep Mattresses: Tiger




Shivam Handloom Deep Sleep Mattresses: Paris

讽刺Paris Hilton性爱光盘外流事件。




Advertising Agency: McCann Worldgroup, Mumbai, India
National Creative Director: Prasoon Joshi
Executive Creative Directors: Rahul Mathew, Akshay Kapnadak
Creative Directors: Talha Bin Mohsin, Mahesh Parab
Art Directors: Mahesh Parab, Prashant Kandalkar
Copywriters: Talha Bin Mohsin, Vilsen Gonsalves
Illustrator: Nithin Rao Kumblekar
Published: December 2010



重磅推荐: 那些惊悚的创意广告:胆小者勿进!


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