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首页 > 最新动态 > 设计行业最新动态 > Hiiibrand 2010国际商标design大赛专业组金银铜及评审奖

      “Hiiibrand 2010”国际品牌商标design大赛由《新平面》主办,面向世界范围的企业、design机构、design师和design学生征集品牌商标的design作品,截至2010年10月31日共收到来自60多个国家和地区的有效参赛品4136件,其中专业组3023件,学生组1113件。参赛作品数量之多、质量之高远远超过了同类的国际商标design比赛。济南VI设计

      本届大赛邀请了7位国际杰出的品牌design师组成评审团,经过5个多月的严格评审,最终评选出专业组金奖1名,银奖3名,铜奖10名,评审奖7名,优异奖30名,入围奖120名,最受欢迎奖3名;学生组金奖1名,银奖2名,铜奖5名,优异奖10名,入围奖20名,最受欢迎奖3名。所有获奖作品将刊载在《新平面》28期。这里展示的是荣获“Hiiibrand 2010”国际品牌商标design大赛专业组“金奖”、 “银奖”和 “铜奖”的获奖作品。

      “Hiiibrand 2011”将于2011年6月正式启动,感谢所有参与者的支持和帮助!

      Gold Award

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Title: Birdlife | Agency: Bulldog (Malta) | Designer: Ren Spiteri (Ireland) | Client: Birdlife Malta (Malta)
题目:鸟类联盟 | design机构:Bulldog(马耳他)| design者:Ren Spiteri(爱尔兰)| 客户:马耳他鸟类联盟(马耳他)

Silver Award

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Title: elephruit | Designer: Nido (UK) | Client: elephruit (Lahore, Pakistan)
题目:elephruit(东南亚水果进出口商) | design者:Nido(英国)| 客户:elephruit(拉合尔,巴基斯坦)

Silver Award

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Title: Travel World | Agency: Brandberry | Designer: Valera Namazov (Russia) | Client: TravelWorld.su (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
题目:旅游世界 | design机构:Brandberry | design者:Valera Namazov(俄罗斯)| 客户:旅游世界网(圣彼得堡,俄罗斯)

Silver Award

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Title: Daily Calendar | Designer: Nanbu Toshiyasu (Japan) | Client: Japan Graphic Designer Association (Tokyo, Japan)
题目:日历 | design者:南部俊安(日本)| 客户:日本平面design师协会(东京,日本)


Bronze Award

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Title: Gentleman Coffee | Designer: Tan Huang (China) | Client: Gentleman Coffee (Chengdu, China)
题目:Gentleman Coffee | design者:弹簧(中国)| 客户:Gentleman Coffee(成都,中国)

Bronze Award

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Title: Audiotennis | Designer: Andre Weier (Germany) | Client: NALINDESIGN (Neuenrade, Germany)
题目:Audiotennis(Flash游戏) | design者:Andre Weier(德国)| 客户:NALINDESIGN(诺因拉德,德国)


Bronze Award

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Title: Colour Bookstore | Designer: Chen Huarong (China) | Client: Colour Bookstore (Dongguan, China)
题目:Colour Bookstore | design者:陈华容(中国)| 客户:Colour Bookstore(东莞,中国)

Bronze Award

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Title: Guilin Gruel | Designer: Lin Shaobin (China) | Client: Guilin Gruel (Guilin, China)
题目:桂林米粥 | design者:林韶斌(中国)| 客户:桂林米粥(桂林,中国)
  Bronze Award

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Title: Qantas Brand Identity | Agency: Hulsbosch (Australia) | Client: Qantas (Sydney, Australia)
题目:澳洲航空公司品牌标识 | design机构:Hulsbosch(澳大利亚)| 客户:澳洲航空公司(悉尼,澳大利亚)


Bronze Award

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Title: liyi Architects & Associate | Designer: Chen Yongxin (China) | Client: liyi Architects & Associate (Shantou, China)
题目:李毅建筑师事务所 | design者:陈涌新(中国)| 客户:李毅建筑师事务所(汕头,中国)

  Bronze Award

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Title: Liu Shi Bambooweave | Designer: Zou Yu (China) | Client: Liu Shi Bambooweave (Chengdu, China)
题目:刘氏竹编 | design者:邹余(中国)| 客户:刘氏竹编(成都,中国)

Bronze Award

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Title: Madeira 2010 | Designer: Morandini (Brazil) | Client: BESC (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
题目:马德拉2010环境大会 | design者:Morandini(巴西)| 客户:BESC(圣保罗,巴西)

Bronze Award

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Title: Ten Years Department of Architecture | Agency: G Design Studio (Greece) | Client: University of Patras (Patras, Greece)
题目:帕特雷大学建筑系十周年 | design机构:G Design Studio(希腊)| 客户:帕特雷大学(帕特雷,希腊)

Bronze Award

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Title: HUNTERRACE | Designer: Peter Vasvari (Hungary) | Client: Brandstack, LLC. (USA)
题目:HUNTERRACE餐厅 | design者:Peter Vasvari(匈牙利)| 客户:Brandstack, LLC.(美国)
  Joe Duffy Jury Award
乔•达菲 评审奖

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Title: DIVA | Agency: Communication Agency (Slovakia) | Designer: Pavel Surovy (Slovakia) | Client: Diva parfumerie (Belgrade, Serbia)
题目:DIVA(女神) | design机构:Communication Agency(斯洛伐克)| design者:Pavel Surovy(斯洛伐克)| 客户:女神香水(贝尔格莱德,塞尔维亚)

"I love the simplicity of the 标志type combined with the mark. They compliment each other perfectly. The double entendre implied in the mark (perfume and the female form) add depth, meaning and a sense of discovery to the identity. Very well done!"
—— Joe Duffy (Principal and Chairman, Duffy & Partners, USA)

——乔•达菲(Duffy & Partners公司董事长,主席,美国)


Min Wang Jury Award
王敏 评审奖

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Title: 14th Yugoslav Theatre Festival | Designer: Nikola Vukasinovic (Serbia) | Client: National Theatre Uzice (Uzice, Serbia)
题目:第14届南斯拉夫戏剧节 | design者:Nikola Vukasinovic(塞尔维亚)| 客户:乌日采国家大剧院(乌日采,塞尔维亚)

“The dramatic 设计 agrees with the theme of the activity it reveals. In the form of origami ,an anthropomorphic expression, the figure 14 represents a flash of humor with impressive visual effects. ”
—— Min Wang (Dean of School of Design at CAFA, China)

“该design吻合所体现的活动主题,富于戏剧性。数字 14 用折纸的形式,拟人化的表现手法,带有几分诙谐,又有强烈视觉效果。”

  Bart Crosby Jury Award
巴特•克罗斯比 评审奖

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Title: Colour Bookstore | Designer: Chen Huarong (China) | Client: Colour Bookstore (Dongguan, China)
题目:Colour Bookstore | design者:陈华容(中国)| 客户:Colour Bookstore(东莞,中国)

"A simple, distinctive and memorable solution. It's curious and playful--not forced or over done like many of the others."
—— Bart Crosby (President, Crosby Associates Inc., USA)

——巴特•克罗斯比(Crosby Associates公司主席,美国)

Boris Ljubicic Jury Award

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Title: Ocean Art Pavilion | Designer: Du Xiaoxiao (China) | Client: Ocean Art Pavilion (Beijing, China)
题目:海洋艺术馆 | design者:杜潇潇(中国)| 客户:海洋艺术馆(北京,中国)

"This work aesthetic connect words OCEAN, ART and PAVILION, which by thin horizontal rectangular blue lines depicts motion of the ocean, and with white squares inserted between them evoke pavilion. Designer has, with minimum materials, got unique content image to which is 标志 intended. Graphic image itself is in fact art."
——Boris Ljubicic (Studio International, Croatia)

Tommy Li Jury Award
李永铨 评审奖

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Title: Guilin Gruel | Designer: Lin Shaobin (China) | Client: Guilin Gruel (Guilin, China)
题目:桂林米粥 | design者:林韶斌(中国)| 客户:桂林米粥(桂林,中国)
“It is never an easy task to add the beauty of Guilin scenery to the icon, emerging not only the specific characteristic, but also elegant prospect.”
—— Tommy Li (Tommy Li Design Workshop, Hong Kong)
—— 李永铨(李永铨design有限公司,中国香港)

Cristian Kit Paul Jury Award
克里斯坦•凯特•保罗 评审奖

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Title: Tianwei Textiles | Designer: Zhao Gang (China) | Client: Tianwei Textiles (China)
题目:天威纺织 | design者:赵刚(中国)| 客户:天威纺织(中国)

"It was difficult to pick one as my "Best of show" choice, but I finally decided for Tianwei Textiles, probably because my own background is based on rebranding of large entities and I know how challenging a high-stake program can be. The TT symbol is a powerful and witty monogram, accompanied by a simple and functional wordmark in a clear yet vibrant composition, establishing for Tianwei Textiles an energetic and reliable identity."
——Cristian Kit Paul (Co-founding and Creative Director of Brandient, Romanian)


Bill Darling Jury Award
比尔•达林 评审奖

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Title: Minimal | Designer: Maria Adam Fernandes (Germany) | Client: Minimal (Vienna, Austria)
题目:最小(0到10岁儿童服装品牌) | design者:Maria Adam Fernandes(德国)| 客户:最小(维也纳,奥地利)

"It's a very functional solution for what it is...kids clothing. For example, the 'continuous' line approach of the 标志 would translate well to stitching / embroidery. 'minimal' is a powerful word when talking about 设计 and impossible to ignore, especially when it is the name of your company! I like how the solution is expressive and yet true to the word 'minimal' - a hard balance to achieve. The style in which the 标志 is drawn could easily be extended to illustrations of the garments, secondary typography, animation, etc. Overall, the 标志 is a nice solution that achieves the right balance of function + emotion."
——Bill Darling (Creative Director of Saffron, UK)




时间:2012-05-14 00:35:47来源:{dede:field.source/} 作者: 点击: